Important links:
Medical and Dental Expenses: https://www.irs.gov/publications/p502
Health Savings Accounts: https://www.irs.gov/publications/p969
Eligible Expenses:
- Abortion
- Acupuncture
- Alcoholism
- Ambulance
- Annual Physical Examination
- Artificial Limb
- Artificial Teeth
- Bandages
- Birth Control Pills
- Body Scan
- Braille Books and Magazines
- Breast Pumps and Supplies
- Breast Reconstruction Surgery
- Capital Expenses
- Operation and upkeep.
- Improvements to property rented by a person with a disability.
- Chiropractor
- Christian Science Practitioner
- Contact Lenses
- Crutches
- Dental Treatment
- Diagnostic Devices
- Disabled Dependent Care Expenses
- Drug Addiction
- Drugs
- Eye Exam
- Eyeglasses
- Eye Surgery
- Fertility Enhancement
- Founder’s Fee
- Guide Dog or Other Service Animal
- Health Institute
- Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- Hearing Aids
- Home Care
- Home Improvements
- Hospital Services
- Insurance Premiums
- Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)
- Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Plan
- Long-term care services.
- Retired public safety officers.
- Health reimbursement arrangement (HRA).
- Medicare A, B, D
- Prepaid Insurance Premiums
- Unused Sick Leave Used To Pay Premiums
- Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled
- Laboratory Fees
- Lactation Expenses
- Lead-Based Paint Removal
- Learning Disability
- Legal Fees
- Lifetime CareAdvance Payments
- Dependents with disabilities.
- Payments for future medical care.
- Lodging
- Long-Term Care
- Qualified Long-Term Care Services / Contracts
- Chronically ill individual.
- Maintenance and personal care services.
- Qualified Long-Term Care Services / Contracts
- Meals
- Medical Conferences
- Medical Information Plan
- Medicines
- Imported medicines and drugs.
- Nursing Home
- Nursing Services
- Employment taxes.
- Operations
- Optometrist
- Organ Donors
- Osteopath
- Oxygen
- Physical Examination
- Pregnancy Test Kit
- Premium Tax Credit
- Prosthesis
- Psychiatric Care
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychologist
- Special Education
- Sterilization
- Stop-Smoking Programs
- Surgery
- Telephone
- Television
- Therapy
- Transplants
- Transportation
- Car expenses.
- Special design.
- Cost of operation.
- Car expenses.
- Trips
- Tuition
- Vasectomy
- Vision Correction Surgery
- Weight-Loss Program
- Wheelchair
- Wig
- X-ray