EEOC Adopts New Strategic Plan for FYs 2022-26

News Brief: On Aug. 22, 2023, The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced that it approved its Strategic Plan (SP) for fiscal years 2022- 26. Implementation of the SP will begin immediately.

“The new Strategic Plan reflects our thoughtful assessment of the agency’s mission, goals, and objectives in light of current conditions and what we expect in the next few years.”
– EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows

The SP serves as a framework for achieving the EEOC’s mission to prevent and remedy employment discrimination and advance equal employment opportunities for all individuals. To achieve this mission and advance the agency’s vision, the plan outlines the EEOC’s strategic goals and objectives to accomplish the following:

  • Combat and prevent employment discrimination by strategically applying the agency’s law enforcement authorities.
  • Prevent employment discrimination.
  • Advance equal employment opportunities through education and outreach.
  • Strive for organizational excellence through its people, practices and technology.

According to the SP, the EEOC is prioritizing the following subject matters:

  • Increasing focus on systematic discrimination by expanding the EEOC’s capacity to eliminate systemic barriers to equal opportunity in the workplace
  • Improving the monitoring of conciliation agreements to ensure workplaces are free from discrimination after the agency makes a finding of discrimination
  • Enhancing intake services to potential charging parties, respondents, and representatives
  • Leveraging technology and innovative outreach strategies to expand the EEOC’s reach to diverse populations, vulnerable communities and small, new, disadvantaged or underserved employers
  • Promoting promising practices that employers can adopt to prevent discrimination in the workplace

The agency developed the SP using working groups comprised of EEOC headquarters staff and field offices. Additionally, the EEOC sought public comment on the draft SP and reviewed and considered the comments in developing its final plan.

Employer Takeaway

The SP reveals the EEOC’s intentions and priorities. Therefore, employers should consider reviewing the final plan to determine how it may impact their organizations, especially since the agency will start implementing the SP and addressing its priorities immediately.

We will keep you apprised of any notable updates. Contact Parrott Benefit Group for more workplace resources.

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