Report: Public Views on Prescription Weight Loss Drugs

News Brief: Interest in Weight Loss Drugs Lowers When Not Covered by Insurance

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) survey found that although nearly half (45%) of adults are interested in taking a safe and effective weight loss drug, only 16% remain interested when insurance doesn’t cover the costs. Overwhelmingly, surveyed adults believed insurance should cover the costs of weight loss drugs for people who are obese or overweight (80%), and 53% said insurance should cover the costs for anybody trying to lose weight.

Interest Is High, but Cost Remains a Challenge

The popularity of a new class of weight loss drugs that were initially developed to treat Type 2 diabetes (e.g., Wegovy) has increased public awareness of prescription weight loss medications. Most (7 in 10) surveyed individuals had heard at least “a little” about the new class of weight loss drugs, with 19% reporting they’d heard “a lot.” Awareness was highest among 65 and older (79%) and people currently trying to lose weight (74%).

Despite high levels of interest and awareness, just 4% of surveyed adults took prescription weight loss medications to lose weight. Many (44%) adults would be interested in taking the weight loss drug as a pill. However, interest dropped when adults were asked if they would be interested in self-administered weekly injections (23%).

Although many adults were interested in taking a prescription weight loss drug, the cost was a key deterrent for many individuals, many of whom (28%) already struggle to afford prescription drugs. In fact, due to costs, 31% of adults reported not taking prescribed medicine and 12% reported skipping doses or cutting pills in half.

Employer Takeaway

Employers play a crucial role in ensuring employees have access to affordable health care. But providing employees with the care they need can be challenging when employee desires change quickly, as popular prescriptions such as these drive high demand.

To meet employee needs, employers can offer no – or low – cost premiums and implement financial and physical wellness programs. In addition, they can educate employees on how to be smart health care consumers. This may include encouraging employees to ask their physicians for generic drug options and review their medical bills carefully for mistakes. Many employers are being cautious before making long-term commitments to prescription weight loss drugs. Employers should stay apprised of market trends and consider what they may mean for their health plans.

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